Referendum Update 1/17/24

Referendum Update
Posted on 01/17/2024

Dear Community, 

Yesterday, a majority of North Penn School District voters (58%) said no to moving 9th graders to North Penn High School. Although I am disappointed in the results of the special election, I support the decision that has been made and we can now move forward with the NPHS renovation. 

Throughout the history of this great school district, NPSD has provided an excellent educational experience for the students of this community in grades 10-12 on the NPHS campus. Continuing to do so will remain the priority throughout the renovation project. Our commitment to the children of North Penn will not waiver. I expect the adults of this community to find common ground and continue to work together for the betterment of our schools, specifically NPHS, and the future of our students. 

I want to thank the members of our school community who participated in the referendum process in a civil and respectful manner. Your engagement, thoughtful consideration, and commitment to the future of our educational institution is what makes North Penn so vibrant and strong.  All along, it has been my priority to ensure an educated community who understood the issues before them and who made informed decisions. I believe that goal was met with those who desired to learn about the matters at hand.

I encourage everyone to stay engaged, to keep contributing ideas, and to participate actively in the ongoing dialogue that will take place regarding renovations to NPHS. Community, staff, and student input will be paramount to the success of this project, as will regular updates to all of our constituents. A plan outlining the process will be communicated soon. 

In closing, we were advised early in this journey that, “Not everyone needs to take a tour and not everyone needs a conversation, but they need to know that they could have had one if they wanted one.”  It is my sincere hope as your superintendent that you believe that to be true. 

Please join me as we move forward with grace, unity, and a renewed commitment to the shared goal of providing the best possible education for our students.   


Todd Bauer